Since I know the element associated with each chakra, I worry that I am not doing the chakra diagnostics right. Am I putting the image there because I know what “should” be there?
That would be the case if you were asked to visualize a scene. Note that with Traya you are asked to 1) focus on the chakra and 2) let an image appear. Once you align your mind with a chakra consciousness by using the Traya stance, you connect with the Deep Mind which then supplies the information. You cannot control the Deep Mind so do not interfere with the information that surfaces. Remember to relax and breathe gently in and out of the chakra. The mind doesn’t need your help but for you to get out of the way. This is a common question that I get because people are more used to visualizing. Therefore, my advice is to practice on surfacing samskaras with the Traya Technique where it is more obvious that the information is coming from deep within and then come back to the diagnostics.